2,032 Local Jobs

Welcome to Central Career Services Job Connection!

We are excited to offer you free resources and opportunities, as a Job Seeker and Employer, to connect our community.

Our mission is simple – Love God & Love Others. Worship with us online this weekend at Central Community Church.

Central Career Services Support Group
Where faith, hope and resumes come together

The loss of a job can be very traumatic.  Along with the loss of income, there is the potential for many emotional problems that go along with it: loss of self-esteem, anxiety, frustration, fear, and depression.

God’s Word is the foundation of all discussions in this support group, where members will find truths leading to encouragement and hope. This group does not replace the traditional job search steps, but will provide a safe place to navigate emotional struggles and provide reason for hope. Email cheri.clark@centralcommunity.church for more information.

Latest Jobs

HCA Healthcare
Wichita, KS
Roehl Transport
Derby, KS
Wichita, KS
Wichita, KS
Wichita, KS
Cornerstone onDemand
Wichita, KS
Wichita, KS

Nationwide Jobs

Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Phillip Linder Attorney
Dallas, TX 75225
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX


Share your success!

If you were hired as a result of the resources made available through Central Career Services or if you filled a position with a qualified candidate, we want to hear your story! Please email us – centralcareerservices@centralcommunity.church.


Do you realize that you might be carrying a heavy load in your heart? Hurts, offenses, unhappy memories… it’s all unnecessary baggage. Most of us don’t have a clue what we’ve hidden deep in our hearts. Now would be a great time to unpack. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and find things you’ve hidden away that you no longer need. Let the baggage go so you’ll have plenty of room for the full, wonderful and perfect love of God. Invite God to do a work in your heart, and in your mind, and get you lined up with the Kingdom way of life. It’ll make the journey so much easier, and the experience of unemployment one of the best times of your life.


  • I willingly release all the baggage from my past.
  • I invite Jesus to come into my heart and heal all my past wounds and hurts.
  • I forgive freely because I have been freely forgiven.

Word of the Day

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me. (AMP)

Psalm 51:10

By Barb Palmer, Employed for Life