1,901 Local Jobs

Welcome to Central Career Services Job Connection!

We are excited to offer you free resources and opportunities, as a Job Seeker and Employer, to connect our community.

Our mission is simple – Love God & Love Others. Worship with us online this weekend at Central Community Church.

Central Career Services Support Group
Where faith, hope and resumes come together

The loss of a job can be very traumatic.  Along with the loss of income, there is the potential for many emotional problems that go along with it: loss of self-esteem, anxiety, frustration, fear, and depression.

God’s Word is the foundation of all discussions in this support group, where members will find truths leading to encouragement and hope. This group does not replace the traditional job search steps, but will provide a safe place to navigate emotional struggles and provide reason for hope. Email cheri.clark@centralcommunity.church for more information.

Latest Jobs

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Wichita, KS
Health Advocates Network
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Health Advocates Network
Wichita, KS
Health Advocates Network
Wichita, KS
Health Advocates Network
Wichita, KS
Buffalo Wild Wings
Derby, KS
Buffalo Wild Wings
Wichita, KS
Buffalo Wild Wings
Wichita, KS

Nationwide Jobs

Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX


Share your success!

If you were hired as a result of the resources made available through Central Career Services or if you filled a position with a qualified candidate, we want to hear your story! Please email us – centralcareerservices@centralcommunity.church.


You haven’t begun to live at the level God intends. If you will allow it, God is ready to train you to be supernatural. This doesn’t mean you’ll leap tall buildings in a single bound, but you may speak to a mountain of debt and cast it into the sea, by the authority of Christ. Living inside each believer is One who is ready to reveal all of the things that God has already freely given. You can go inside yourself to find out how to live every moment of your life in power, authority and love. You will be able to command negative circumstances to turn around and they will have to do as you say! With your ears tuned to the Spirit within, you will rule on earth and over circumstances and the workplace will be redeemed for the Kingdom of God. Let the training begin.


  • I am open to behaving supernaturally.
  • By faith I receive revelation knowledge directly from the Spirit of God and I recognize it when I hear it.
  • I expect to receive insights that the world doesn’t have and that will make all the difference in my life.

Word of the Day

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (NLT)

1 Corinthians 2:12-14

By Barb Palmer, Employed for Life